Just Pray

Oct 19, 2018    Dr. Tom Pace



I know we talk, but sometimes I think I am doing it wrong. Sometimes I feel like I am just talking to the wall. Sometimes I feel like I am faking it. Sometimes my prayers are just ramblings in my head. Sometimes I can’t even concentrate long enough to think of what to say. Sometimes I forget to intentionally pray. Sometimes I just repeat words I know from memory, because it is all I can come up with. Does this actually do anything?

I confess that I get frustrated when the things I pray for don’t come to pass, when the problem doesn’t magically go away, when the person isn’t automatically made well, when the conflict isn’t instantly solved, and when the answer and direction isn’t made clear. Your word says you will give me wisdom generously if I just ask, as long as I ask in faith. Perhaps I am double minded, and so I can’t seem to grasp the wisdom you are trying to share.

But somehow, when I pray persistently, I find that I am changed. I find that I am drawn into the current of you, the Holy Spirit, at work in the world. What I want is to be led by you, transformed by you, used by you. I want to be clear about your purpose in my life, and to accomplish that purpose, even if the direction forward seems foggy.

So let’s talk often God. Hear the deepest, most fervent prayer of my heart, that greatest desire, even when I cannot find the words to express it. And answer me with yourself, with your very presence.

In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.


Do you ever wonder why you bother praying? Does it really make any difference? What is the point? This Sunday, we will continue our series of sermons, “Show Me: The Letter of James,” and will talk together about the purpose and the power of prayer. The title is “No Just About It.”

If you are a member of St. Luke’s, you should have received a packet titled “Glorifying God through Generosity.” Inside is a booklet with some important information and a commitment card to support St. Luke’s ministries in 2019. Please take a look, and prayerfully consider your giving to St. Luke’s in the upcoming year. We use all of the information to make decisions about ministries and projects we want to undertake. Commitment Sunday is October 28, and we will dedicate our cards at the altar in all of our worship services that day.

Thanks for your generosity in helping us pay it forward to persons impacted by Hurricane Michael in Chipley, Florida and nearby Panama City. We are partnering with First Baptist Church Chipley to provide recovery and relief to their area. Please keep Pastor Bobby Pletcher and the entire church staff in your prayers as they embark on this task. Stay tuned for more information regarding ways we can help.

Last week, we began Children’s Church at our 11:00 hour on the second floor of the Johnson Education Building. Forty-two kids were present for an awesome start. Yay! For children in K-grade 3, Children’s Church provides an age appropriate worship experience with live music and other activities as well. Find answers to your FAQ’s here.

Sunday, October 21
God, we thank you for the gift of Scripture. Your written word speaks guidance and power into our lives. Help us to create time in our day to study your word and seek your presence. Grow us as your disciples. Amen.

Monday, October 22

Heavenly Father, we ask that you would walk beside us throughout our day today. Guide our steps to your paths of righteousness, and protect us from falling. Amen.

Tuesday, October 23

God of all things good, we thank you for the many blessings that you give to us every day. We pray that you would open our eyes, and help us to look for the good things even in hard times. We pray that you would open our minds, and keep our focus on positive things. Give us a peace that transcends all understanding. Amen.

Wednesday, October 24

Lord Jesus, give us courage to reach out to our friends who don’t know you yet. Speak through our words and actions so that they may see your love and want to come to know you. When the opportunity arises, let us invite them to St. Luke’s to worship you with us. Amen.

Thursday, October 25

Jesus, we admit that following you is not always easy, and it is often inconvenient. Create in us a desire to follow you wholeheartedly so that we no longer see the cost of discipleship. Amen.

Friday, October 26

Heavenly Father, you know our hearts and our struggles, and you know where we need the most help. Grant us wisdom and strength to change for the better, and help us to see beyond our human limitations. Amen.

Saturday, October 27

God, we pray that you would prepare our hearts to worship you tomorrow. Help us to work hard today so that we may “remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” Grant us the full power of your Holy Spirit in worship. Amen.